Bakery World Cup
The reference of the international bakery
Created in 1992 by Christian Vabret, “MOF”, the Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie aims to promote the profession of baker and bread quality in the world. This competition regularly pushes the limits of technique and knowledge. As a trend incubator and an expression laboratory, this contest is constantly evolving in its content and form to support international developments in the bakery and always better showcase the talent and work of its baker candidates.
This success requires the organization of continental preselections which, until the 9th edition, relied on the international selections of the Louis Lesaffre Cup. Thus, 12 teams: 9 from the Louis Lesaffre Cup selections (until 2016) and 3 from the previous podium of the Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie, compete every 4 years at the Europain international show in Paris.
Meeting place of the greatest talents of the bakery profession, the Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie is the reference of the international bakery.
Zoom on the 2020 Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie (Bakery World Cup).
9 prestigious editions, 9 "world champion" teams
Created in 1992, the Coupe du Monde de la boulangerie continues to see its level rise. The bakers, selected by the Louis Lesaffre Cup since 2003, put on an acrobatic show in 3 specialties: artistic pieces, baguettes and world breads, Viennese pastries.
Lesaffre is the Official Partner of the Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie since 2005.
All-round excellence
With professionalism and desire to surpass themselves, the international teams compete each time with talent for the Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie, in the making of their specialty. Pre-selected these last cycles by the Louis Lesaffre Cup, they reach an exceptional level of quality to represent the bakery profession with passion.